From the course: Azure Data Engineer Associate (DP-203) Cert Prep: 1 Design and Implement Data Storage

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Design an Azure Data Lake solution

Design an Azure Data Lake solution

- [Instructor] In this course, we're going to cover several key areas of the DP-203. First we'll get into designing a data storage structure. So this means of data lake, making sure that it's properly provisioned. Also file types, pruning, querying, data archiving solutions. Next we'll get into a partition strategy. So how to design a partition strategy for files, workloads, efficiency, and also things like the next generation Azure data lake. We'll also get into designing the serving layer. So how to build a star schema, how to change dimensions, how to use a dimensional hierarchy, also using a solution for temporal data and also how to build analytical stores. Next we'll cover implementing physical data storage structures including compression, partitioning, sharding, data redundancy distributions, and archiving. We'll also talk about logical data structures. So temporal data solutions, slowly changing dimensions,…
