From the course: Azure AI Engineer Associate (AI-102) Cert Prep: Implement Natural Language Processing Solutions

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Create entities

Create entities

- [Instructor] In this video, we introduced the concept of an entity. An entity is used in combination with our intents and utterances to help clarify the meaning of the intended action. Entities are a mechanism you use to help add context to your intents. An entity is a relevant piece of information that is extracted from the utterance. As an example, consider the intent TurnOnDevice. As it stands, there is no clarity on what device you want to turn on. In a home automation scenario, you would specify a device such as front door light when asking your system to perform an action, but with the intent only written as TurnOnDevice, more context is required. The utterance Turn on the light is a bit more specific as to what the request is for. We want to turn on the light. The entity that is extracted from the utterance is light. In a conversational language understanding solution, an entity is a relevant piece of information extracted from utterances and used to provide context for that…
