From the course: AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate (SAA-C03) Cert Prep: 2 Storage Design

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S3 enhanced features

S3 enhanced features

- Before we finish up with all of our discussions of S3 in general, I want to talk about some enhanced features of the S3 solution within AWS. These enhanced features give you the ability to do things like lockdown files so they can't be modified even though people can view them. The ability to perform automated operations against objects that are stored in S3 buckets and even the ability to implement such things as automatic intelligent adjustment of tiering or a class of storage so that you can save money in the end. So, these are all enhanced features of S3 that AWS has added over the years, and we want to take a look at them now. The first one we're going to look at is the ability to do intelligent tiering. Now if we go into the AWS management console and then choose S3, you'll see if you go into any bucket where you can do this intelligent tiering. So, we'll open up one of the buckets that we have and notice that when I go…
