From the course: AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate (SAA-C03) Cert Prep: 2 Storage Design

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Hands on with FSx

Hands on with FSx

- Okay, in this episode, we're going to talk about something you can actually follow along with in your AWS account if you want to. We're going to look at actually going through the process of setting up an FSx file system. And that's going to let us see the different configuration perimeters, and therefore, some of the ways that it integrates with different AWS services. So here we are still in our FSx Administration Console. We're going to click on Create File System over here to the right. And the first thing it asks is, which kind do you want? Do you want an FSx for Windows File Server file system, or an FSx for Lustre file system? Well, we want to do a Windows File Server, so we'll check that. And you see, when you look below, it tells you the details about what this actually offers to you, and we're going to go ahead and click on Next so we can get started working with those details. Now, the first thing it…
