From the course: AWS Certified Developer - Associate (DVA-C02) Cert Prep

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IAM policy basics

IAM policy basics

- [Lecturer] In this lecture we'll discuss the anatomy of an IAM policy and the different examples that you can use for your own AWS resources. You already know that a policy is an entity that contains permissions, that allow an identity or a resource to execute certain API operations or tasks. An IAM policy is defined in a JavaScript object notation or JSON policy document, which basically includes these two components, a policy-wide information and one or more individual statements. The policy-wide information is an optional element that is placed on top of the document. There are two policy-wide elements. The ID and the version element. The ID uniquely identifies the IAM policy while the version just specified the policy access language version. Again, the version element pertains to the AWS policy language and not the version of your custom policy. This element usually has a static value of 2012-10-17,…
