From the course: AWS Certified Developer - Associate (DVA-C02) Cert Prep

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Hands-on labs: Amazon API Gateway stages configuration

Hands-on labs: Amazon API Gateway stages configuration - Amazon Web Services (AWS) Tutorial

From the course: AWS Certified Developer - Associate (DVA-C02) Cert Prep

Hands-on labs: Amazon API Gateway stages configuration

- [Instructor] In this section, we're going to be looking at the different configurations that you can set and play around with within a stage. So we'll just cover the sections that are important in the exam. We'll discuss settings, logs/tracing, stage variables, and canary. So first, under the Setting tab, we have Cache Settings. And you can see that it's disabled by default. Turning on the API cache incurs an additional fee, which is calculated per hour based on the size of your cache instance. So you can start at the minimum of 500 megabytes up to 237 gigabytes. And choosing the right size will depend on the nature of your workload. The cache capacity directly translates to the amount of CPU, memory, and network bandwidth of your cache instance. In other words, the larger the capacity, the better the performance, which also means you have to pay more. The main objective of caching is obviously to improve the…
