From the course: AWS Certified Developer - Associate (DVA-C02) Cert Prep

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Hands-on lab: AWS Lambda cold start

Hands-on lab: AWS Lambda cold start

- By now, you already know what a cold start is. In this lecture, we will have a simple example in the Lambda console that shows how cold start works in the real world to demonstrate what we've learned in the last video. So looking at this Lambda function, I have a code outside the handler function that prints the word: initializing and inside the handler function is a code that prints: hello from the handler function If I click on test now, it will be the first time I invoke this function. So what am I expecting? I expect to see these two printed out during the initial invocation. If I run the function again, I should only see this one printed out. I'm pretty sure of it because we learned that anything outside the handler function is initialized at the Init phase. Let's go ahead and run this function. There you go. First, it printed out initializing, followed by the hello from the handler function message.…
