From the course: AWS Certified Developer - Associate (DVA-C02) Cert Prep

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AWS Elastic Beanstalk overview

AWS Elastic Beanstalk overview

- [Instructor] Suppose you wish to deploy an application in EC2, say a web application implemented in the MERN stack. In this case, you have to go to the EC2 console, launch an instance manually, log into the instance, set up the environment, configure a web server, download and install Node.js, and install Express or other dependencies that you need. Now we have a working web app deployed in a single instance. At this point, this is just basic architecture. If you want to protect the application from an outage, you need to create yet another resource. You have to launch an application load balancer, create more instances, spread them across different AZs, and point them as a target group through ALB. Great, so now our application is running in highly available environments. This is actually not a bad architecture, and we can already stop right here, but let's try to add something else. What about capacity? If the instance in…
