From the course: AWS Certified Developer - Associate (DVA-C02) Cert Prep

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AWS CloudFormation overview

AWS CloudFormation overview

- [Instructor] In this lecture, we will talk about AWS CloudFormation. AWS CloudFormation allows you to manage your whole infrastructure using code. This gives developers and businesses an easy way to create a collection of related AWS resources and provision them in an automated, orderly, and predictable fashion. Manual processes are slow and always prone to errors. For example, when it comes to provisioning resources or updating a configuration, an IT admin might miss a step or forget something when completing the task. The infrastructure-as-code approach eliminates all of this. AWS CloudFormation is an infrastructure-as-code service that helps you simplify infrastructure management by building your infrastructure using templates, quickly replicate your infrastructure by reusing CloudFormation templates that you created, and easily control and track changes to your infrastructure by using rollback actions and version…
