From the course: AWS Certified Developer - Associate (DVA-C02) Cert Prep

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Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) overview

Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) overview

- [Instructor] In this lecture, we'll discuss the basics of Amazon Simple Queue Service and its various components and features. We will rediscover what a queue is and why it is considered an important component in the distributed architecture. We'll also talk about the different features of Amazon SQS and how it is integrated with other AWS services. Okay, let's begin. Amazon SQS is a fully managed message queuing service that allows you to do two primary things, decouple your tightly coupled architecture and process workloads Asynchronously. Decoupling means modularizing your monolithic application by bringing it up into multiple independent components. In this way, any failure or changes in one component will not directly affect the other components. It also improves the system reliability of our application and makes the scaling easier too. For the second one, asynchronous processing simply means the ability to process a…
