From the course: AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C02) Cert Prep: 3 Cloud Technology and Services

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Elastic Load Balancing

Elastic Load Balancing

- [Instructor] Have you ever experienced a situation where suddenly everyone around you at work seems to want something from you? And now, you probably got completely overwhelmed, and maybe found yourself unable to do any of the tasks requested, much less, all of them. When a server is overloaded with requests, it reacts similarly. It becomes unable to send out the responses to the paralyzing amount of traffic. It becomes completely overwhelmed, and you might notice that the website is loading very slowly or goes down completely. Let's think about fashion company A. Fashion company A decided to have a sale to celebrate their first anniversary, all shirts are 50% off. Their marketing department did an amazing job, and everyone is talking about it on social media. As soon as the sale starts, boom, their site goes down. Uh-oh, what happened? Chances are, the infrastructure team wasn't prepared for the crushing amount of traffic that suddenly inundated the company website's server, which…
