From the course: AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C02) Cert Prep: 3 Cloud Technology and Services

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AWS CloudFormation

AWS CloudFormation

- [Narrator] You've built an awesome system in AWS using many different services in many different settings. Together, they work great, and you'd like to replicate the setup for a new project. Unfortunately, setting it up took days, and you don't exactly remember every step you took. Worse yet, some resources have to be provisioned before others for the system to work. We love recipes when we cook, because they tell us what materials to buy and when to do what for that perfect meal. In tech, we also love recipes. Better yet, we love recipes that cook themselves and present us with the finished dish. That's what Amazon CloudFormation does for your IT infrastructure hosted on the cloud. You create templates like recipes for your resources to be set up a certain way, and you can run it over and over to provision and deploy fully configured infrastructure. Best yet, unlike all those cookbooks filled with your favorite recipes in the bookstores, using CloudFormation is free. You just pay…
