From the course: AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C02) Cert Prep: 3 Cloud Technology and Services

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Amazon VPC

Amazon VPC

- [Instructor] Think about your wifi setup at home. That's a private network. You likely have a cable that runs into your house from the street, which connects your home's private network to your ISP, like Comcast or Verizon. That cable is connected to your modem, which is your connection to the internet, also thought of as a gateway. The modem is connected to a router or a switch via another cable, which routes traffic between devices in the network and also the internet. You connect your devices like your laptop and tablet to the router using the wireless network. Your home wifi setup is a private network where you can create your own ecosystem for connecting devices and resources. And a private network in the cloud is what AWS calls Amazon Virtual Private Cloud, more commonly referred to as Amazon VPC. Amazon VPC creates a logically isolated section in the cloud where you can provision your AWS resources. Think of it like your corner of the cloud, where you define what comes in…
