From the course: AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C02) Cert Prep: 2 Security and Compliance

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Shared responsibility model

Shared responsibility model

- [Instructor] When utilizing the cloud to house any part of your technical infrastructure, you must first consider the security impacts of moving your resources onto the cloud, unlike the on-premises data center that is protected by the virtue of being within your physical reach, data centers hosting your cloud resources on an undisclosed location and data centers managed by AWS. So who's responsible for the security of the data center, the servers, the networks, the data itself, all those EC2 instances that are running computations? Who makes sure their security patches are up to date? Who protects the data from being corrupted? AWS has a model that helps to puzzle these questions out called the Shared Responsibility Model. As you might expect from the name, the shared responsibility model asserts that the security of cloud computing infrastructures is a shared responsibility between the customer and AWS. While there are…
