From the course: AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C02) Cert Prep: 2 Security and Compliance

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Security in the cloud

Security in the cloud

- [Presenter] Security in the Cloud. If you're anything like me, when you think about security for your data and your IT infrastructure, you probably think of the server room in your office locked with a card key that only the IT department has. Or maybe your company has a data center offsite that you have to drive two hours to get to to make sure your backups are being saved securely. When you get to the data center, you probably encounter a lot of security personnel and need to submit a lot of credentials to step into the facility and get anywhere near the servers. This image of securing data is quickly being replaced by cloud-based security, where you no longer have to keep costly data centers functioning and secured. Instead, you can have a cloud computing service provider manage their own data centers on your behalf so you can focus on other aspects of IT infrastructure management. When you deploy your IT resources…
