From the course: AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C02) Cert Prep: 2 Security and Compliance

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AWS Artifact

AWS Artifact

- [Instructor] It's Monday morning, your boss or your auditors or regulators suddenly swarm you asking to see security and compliance documents, or audit artifacts, that prove that your AWS infrastructure and services you're utilizing comply with security standards. Uh-oh, where do you go to quickly collect this information? Well, of course, AWS has a service to help you do just that, and it's free. AWS Artifact is an on-demand self-service portal that allows you to download AWS security and compliance documents and independent software vendor, or ISV, compliance reports. ISV compliance reports are for independent software vendors who sell their products on the AWS marketplace that you may purchase to utilize in your own infrastructure. Of course, as you learn from the shared responsibility model, just because the AWS services or the ISV provided products are compliant, doesn't mean your infrastructure is, depending on how you architected it or utilized the resources available. You as…
