From the course: AutoCAD: Advanced 3D Modeling

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Loft and revolve profiles

Loft and revolve profiles - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Advanced 3D Modeling

Loft and revolve profiles

- [Instructor] Now let's focus on the seatpost. It has a cylinder component and then a complex form which diminishes in size and turns and terminates in a hemisphere. I'd like to isolate this layer, I'll type lay iso, enter, click on this object, enter. So this is currently on layer seatpost. Let's create a new layer based on that. So I'll go ahead and select that and make a new layer called -seatpost. And this layer will be the current layer and it will also be a different color. I'll make it green. I'll start by going to the surface tab and extruding this circle forward and snap it right here. And then, to create this complex form, I'll use a loft. And I can select these two cross-sections here and here and then press enter and use the path option and select one of the paths. And that's all there is to it. Now we need to create a hemisphere over here. So I will revolve this arc, enter. And I need to specify the axis. And I can do that by clicking two points. I'll click this lower…
