From the course: AutoCAD: Advanced 3D Modeling

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Configure sketches of sprockets

Configure sketches of sprockets - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Advanced 3D Modeling

Configure sketches of sprockets

- [Instructor] Let's begin working on this sprocket, which is this element right here. It interfaces between the belt and the transmission. And if you look closely, you can see that the belt has this sinusoidal pattern and that interfaces with these curved teeth and transfers the load from the rider to the drive train. So there's a lot of complexity here. It's very hard to work under conditions like this. So what I'm going to do is copy this object over this way 500 millimeters, and so I can work on it over here in this area. Still, it's a bit too complicated, so I'd like to minimize what I see on the screen even further, and I'll do so by isolating the layer of this object. It's on layer sprockets. Go up to layers and use layer isolate and select the sprocket and press Enter. So now we have the sketches that we're going to need. So this the plan sketch, the elevation sketch, and we have a section over here. Let's move the section into position on the plan. So I'll move these elements…
