From the course: Artificial Intelligence Foundations: Thinking Machines

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Plan AI

Plan AI

- In the very beginning, artificial intelligence used something called the symbolic systems approach. This approach allowed machines to act in a way that seemed intelligent, but in reality it was just complex pattern matching. The symbolic systems approach allowed early programmers to create expert systems. These machines could do things that were normally left to experts. They could diagnose illnesses, give you a credit score, and even help you with your taxes. The problem with these systems is that they created long lists of matching patterns. They also required experts to create these patterns. You needed someone who knew Chinese to match every possible phrase. Maybe you'd need a doctor who would come up with an answer to every one of a patient's questions. You had to create these long lists of matching patterns. Sometimes this is called combinatorial explosion. This type of effort made it extremely difficult to create robust expert systems. There was also the very real possibility…
