From the course: Arduino: Prototyping

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Select components and libraries

Select components and libraries - Arduino Tutorial

From the course: Arduino: Prototyping

Select components and libraries

- [Instructor] For simple prototypes, you may have all the parts you need such LEDs, buttons, and potentiometers, but for specific applications or if you want to build multiple prototypes, you may need additional components. The mantra keep it simple applies to components as well as prototype design. Some components may be difficult to integrate. Other components may be breadboard-ready and have libraries, sample code, and tutorials to help. You've probably already used resistors and LEDs. These through-hole components have wires or leads that are designed to feed through holes in a breadboard or a PCB. Some components, however, are not designed for prototyping. For these parts, breakout boards are often available. A breakout board is a PCB that contains the component and any additional support parts required. Connections from the breakout board to a breadboard are made using headers or pins which work easily with…
