From the course: Arduino: Prototyping

Prototype with Arduino - Arduino Tutorial

From the course: Arduino: Prototyping

Prototype with Arduino

- [Robert] The Arduino's simple hardware, ease of use and large community of users have helped make physical product development accessible to everyone. This includes product managers and designers who now have the ability to develop hardware prototypes as part of their product design process. In this course, we'll spend some time seeing how prototyping fits into the design process. Then we'll dive into the details, and I'll show you step-by-step how you can develop a proof of concept prototype that helps you explore and validate a small handheld game. I'm Robert Gallup, and I've spent my career working with technology as a designer, program manager and developer. If you're ready to take your Arduino skills to the next level and see how you can use the Arduino in product development, joined me in my LinkedIn Learning course on Arduino prototyping.
