From the course: Arduino: Prototyping

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Make a pin map

Make a pin map

- [Instructor] An Arduino has a limited number of programmable input/output, or I/O pins. All Arduino pins can be used for digital input and output. Some pins can be used for analog output and are sometimes called PWM pins. Some pins can also be used for analog input to read a voltage level between zero and five volts. And some pins have special uses like serial and other forms of communication. When you're connecting pins for your prototype, you can sometimes run out of pins or end up with a conflict where you need a pin for one thing, but you're already using it for something else. If this occurs you may have to rewire pins so there's no conflict. Then you'll need to update your sketch to reflect the changes. An Arduino pin map is a good way to keep track of pin usage so there's less chance of having to make changes as the prototype evolves. The form I use is a table that lists all of the pins available on the Arduino…
