From the course: Arduino: Prototyping

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Implement non-blocking interaction

Implement non-blocking interaction - Arduino Tutorial

From the course: Arduino: Prototyping

Implement non-blocking interaction

- [Instructor] Using a timer is a way to time things in your sketch without holding up or blocking the main loop. This allows an animation to continue, for example, while still being responsive waiting for a button press. Here's a reminder of the basic timer pseudocode. We start the timer by saving the current millis as the start time, and then each time through the loop, we check if the current time minus the start time is greater than the timer length. When our timer has expired, we update the animation and reset the timer. So now let's look at how this would actually be implemented in our prototype. Okay, so we're looking at our previous sketch, RETRO_2. Let's right off the bat save this as RETRO_3. First of all, let's get rid of our delay, because we're going to be replacing that with our timer. So we can do that. And then we need a couple of variables up here to manage our timer, three in particular. First of all, we…
