From the course: Arduino: Prototyping

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Display "Hello World" sketch

Display "Hello World" sketch - Arduino Tutorial

From the course: Arduino: Prototyping

Display "Hello World" sketch

- You've connected your LCD. Now it's time to see if your Arduino can control it. We'll work on the sketch for our game soon, but now we just want to see if the LCD works properly. So let's start with what's called a Hello World sketch to see if we can get anything to appear on the display. We can write a sketch from scratch, but libraries often provide example sketches. So let's go to the Arduino IDE to see if there's anything we can use from the liquid crystal library to get started. So now on the desktop, we can open Arduino. Wait for it to initialize. And now if we go up to File, examples, liquid crystal we can see that there's a Hello World sketch. So let's open that. We'll look more closely at the sketch in a second. But for now let's just run it to see if it works. But first, make sure you've selected the correct board the Arduino Uno, and you've selected the USB port. Now to run the sketch, just click on the run…
