From the course: Arduino: Prototyping

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Design the circuit

Design the circuit

- [Instructor] Our prototype will contain an Arduino Uno, a display, and a button to control the game. With this in mind, we can begin planning our circuit. From looking at the Arduino LCD tutorial we located earlier, we know you need to connect the display to power. You also need to connect several other pins for lighting and contrast, and finally, you need to connect some pins to the Arduino to control the display. Using this information, we can draw a schematic, which is a good way to understand and document your prototype. As we discussed earlier, you can use EDA software to draw your schematic, but sometimes the easiest approach is to use pencil and paper. We can begin by adding power connections to the LCD. The LCD we're using runs on five volts, so we need to add connections to the Arduino five volt output and ground. The LCD uses a backlight to make the characters visible. This requires connections to power and…
