From the course: Arduino: Prototyping

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Demo product brief of handheld game

Demo product brief of handheld game - Arduino Tutorial

From the course: Arduino: Prototyping

Demo product brief of handheld game

- [Instructor] To set the stage for the prototype we'll be building, imagine that you're working on a prototype for the product based on a short brief that was developed after meeting with product marketing. They felt there was a lucrative opportunity in developing a simple, handheld game for young to early-teen children. The project name is RETRO. The description is a retro action game that emphasizes motor skills and timing rather than puzzle solving. The audience is five to 14-year-olds. For the budget, they want to keep the cost of manufacturing below $5. And as for timeline, they want the product to be ready for manufacturing in six months. Engineering needs to have a complete design significantly earlier than that, which means the product design needs to be complete in six weeks. Now it's time for the design team to work out a concept for the product. After some brainstorming, research, and ideation, a…
