From the course: Arduino: Prototyping

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Breadboard buttons and update pin map

Breadboard buttons and update pin map - Arduino Tutorial

From the course: Arduino: Prototyping

Breadboard buttons and update pin map

- [Instructor] Looking at our prototype circuit, we see that adding the button to the prototype is as easy as connecting one side of the button to ground and other side to pin number seven on the Arduino. So let's go to the breadboard and the button. Then we'll return to the IDE and modifier sketch to add interaction. First let's add the button to the breadboard. There are different types of buttons, but they all connect two leads together when pressed. So make sure that two leads are on different rows of the breadboard. We know from the schematic that one side of the button connects to ground, so just like we have before, let's add a neat jumper from the ground rail to one side of the button. Finally we need to connect the other side of the button to pin number seven on the Arduino. We can use a flying jumper wire for this. And that's it for connections. Earlier we recorded the button pin in the pin map. So now let's…
