From the course: Android Development Essential Training: 1 Your First App

What you should know

- [Instructor] This course is designed for software developers who want to learn how to build Android mobile applications. You should have familiarity with object-oriented design principles like inheritance and encapsulation. Modern Android applications are written using the Kotlin programming language. Having a working knowledge of Kotlin is recommended. Finally, many configuration and layout files in Android make use of XML. So knowing some XML basics will be beneficial. To get the most from this course, I would recommend you beef up your software development knowledge by taking the following courses. "Programming Foundations: Fundamentals." This is if you're just getting started with software development. "Android Studio Essential Training" to get the most from the IDE that we'll be using to develop our apps. "Kotlin Essential Training" for getting started with the Kotlin programming language. And finally, "XML Essential Training" to understand its syntax and use.
