From the course: Android Development Essential Training: 1 Your First App

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Using dependencies

Using dependencies

- [Instructor] The libraries that your app needs to run are stored in Maven repositories. Maven is a system that allows developers to share libraries. As an example, this is the Maven Repository page for the Kotlin Gradle plugin. On it, we find information about the type of license it has, the different available versions, and when they were released. In Android Studio, we specify the dependencies we need in our module-level build.gradle file. Down here in the dependency section, each dependency starts with a keyword that denotes how it should be included, the default is implementation, then there's a string which indicates which library and the version of the library that your app needs. If you want to use a variable for the version value, you must declare your string with double quotes, as we see here for our Kotlin dependency, otherwise you can use single quotes when the version number is hard coded as in our…
