From the course: Android Development Essential Training: 1 Your First App

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Set up debugging on a physical device

Set up debugging on a physical device

- [Instructor] Although the Android emulator is very powerful, it still doesn't compare to a physical device. To get the best sense of how your app will behave for users, you'll want to run it on a real device, but let's try that out. The first step is to connect your device to your development machine with a USB cable. If you develop on windows, you might need to install the appropriate USB driver for your device. Next, we need to enable USB debugging in the Developer Options window. In order to make that window available to us, we first need to become a developer. Now I'm working with the Pixel device and this is how we can enable Developer Options. The path to get there may vary slightly for you, depending on the type of device that you have. So first you want to be in the settings app, scroll down to the bottom where you see About Phone. Next, scroll down to the bottom, where you have your Build Number. This is…
