From the course: Android Development Essential Training: 1 Your First App

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Introduction to Views and ViewGroups

Introduction to Views and ViewGroups

- [Instructor] In Android, your screens are designed using user interface components called Views and ViewGroups. A View usually draws something the user can see and interact with, like this text component, which displays "Hello!" to the user. It's called a TextView widget, and there are many other types of widgets in Android, like the ImageView to display images, and a Button widget that the user can tap or click to perform an action. These Views or widgets are grouped together in an invisible container called a ViewGroup. Just as in the case of Views, there are various types of ViewGroups, often referred to as Layouts available. Here's an example of a LinearLayout that positions its nested Views, or children, in a single orientation. Let's look at a few more examples. Here we have a FrameLayout. This allows you to place nested Views on top of each other. And finally, a GridLayout, which allows its children Views to…
