From the course: Android Development Essential Training: 1 Your First App

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Install Android Studio on Windows

Install Android Studio on Windows

- [Instructor] You can grab the latest version of Android Studio from As of this recording, the latest version is 4.0. When you click the download button, it's going to download a MSI file to your computer. To install Android Studio, you would double-click on the file to begin the installation process. You may encounter a few prompts the first time that it's launched. Just go ahead and choose the option that you desire. Now, we're in the Android Studio setup flow. Let's walk through this together. We're now able to choose the various components that we want to install. Let's keep the defaults and click on next. Now, we're able to choose the installation location. We'll stick with the default and click next. And, finally, we have the option to choose a start menu folder. I'm going to keep the default once again and click on install. Once the installation is completed, we'll click next and then…
