From the course: Android Development Essential Training: 1 Your First App

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Install Android Studio on Mac

Install Android Studio on Mac

- [Instructor] You can grab the latest version of Android Studio from As of this recording, the latest version is 4.0. When you click the Download button, it will download a DMG file to your computer. To install Android Studio, you would double-click on the DMG file, and when the installation window appears, drag the Android Studio app icon to your Applications folder. Now, in your Applications folder, you can locate the Android Studio app icon and open it up. You may encounter a few prompts the first time that it's launched asking about preferences. If so, choose the option that you desire. I'm going to decline importing any preferences. Next, we're in the Android Studio setup flow. Let's walk through this together. If you previously had any versions of Android Studio installed, you may get a prompt to delete unused Android Studio directories. I'm going to skip this for now. Now that we're…
