From the course: Android Development Essential Training: 1 Your First App

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Find answers in the documentation

Find answers in the documentation

- [Instructor] At, you'll find documentation for developing Android applications. The page is divided into sections to make it easier for you to find what you're looking for. The most prominent section is under Get started. Here, you can find sample code, API references, design guidelines, codelabs, and more. Often, when developing your Android app, you'll have questions about the specific properties or methods available in a given class. To find that documentation, you will look under API reference. This page breaks down the Android platform APIs, and the various libraries available to you from Google. Let's explore the platform APIs first. We can access that from the left pane. By default, we're viewing documentation based on the current stable API version, which at the time of this recording is API level 29. But if we wanted to view what was available in a previous version, we could select…
