From the course: Android Development Essential Training: 1 Your First App

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Explore the Android framework

Explore the Android framework

- [Narrator] It's helpful to have a basic understanding of the Android framework as an app developer. Android is an open source Linux-based software stack. The following diagram shows the major components of the Android platform. The foundation of the Android platform is the Linux Kernel. It's responsible for functionalities such as threading and low level memory management. Using a Linux Kernel also allows Android to take advantage of key security features. The Hardware Abstraction Layer provides standard interfaces that expose device hardware capabilities to the higher level Java API framework. This includes things like audio, Bluetooth, or the camera. The Android Runtime, or ART, is written to run multiple virtual machines on low memory devices. It does this by executing DEX files, a special bytecode format designed for Android. Build tool chains compile Java and Kotlin sources into decks by code which can run on the Android…
