From the course: Android Development Essential Training: 1 Your First App

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Challenge: App template

Challenge: App template

(upbeat music) - Hey folks, it's time for another challenge. Now that you've learned how to define screens using layout files, I'd like you to create a new project that contains the following screen. Here's the deal. Start with a brand new project based on an Android Studio project template. Using the template as your foundation, then add the needed Views and ViewGroups to recreate this screen. You'll end up needing three Views and one ViewGroup. Add a margin to the top View and one to the bottom View. Then finally, make sure you adjust the text to match what's on the screen. Try your best to do this on your own referring to previous videos as needed. Then make sure you watch the solution video where I'll provide a detailed explanation of how I solve this challenge. Let's get to it.
