From the course: Android App Security: A Structured Approach to Pen Testing

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Testing platform: Insecure data storage

Testing platform: Insecure data storage

- [Instructor] The next challenge that we'll be taking up is insecure data storage. Now within this application, this particular challenge corresponds to how this application stores data onto the device. If you look at the functionality, it is asking me to enter username or password. Let me just go ahead and create something simple. Create and save it. Now let us see how this application is saving my credentials onto the device. Coming back to the command prompt, what I would need is a way to access the file system of the emulator. And the best way to do that is a d b shell, because this gives me a shell access to the emulator. Not only that, since my device is rooted, I'll have a root-level access. Now, as a matter of fact, every application that is installed on your device creates an entry, and stores all their data in this directory. Data and data. So if you go to this directory and list down all the entities…
