From the course: Android App Security: A Structured Approach to Pen Testing

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Sieve application overview

Sieve application overview

- [Instructor] Now that we have created a successful drozer session, let us understand how Sieve actually works before we start the assessment. Sieve is an intentionally vulnerable password manager, that you can use to practice Android pen testing. Let us understand the functionalities and features. When you open Sieve for the very first time, it asks you to create a password. Let me just go ahead and create one. Now it is asking me for a PIN, let me go ahead and create a simple one. Submit. Now, this is the first time that I'll be signing in, so it is asking me for the password again, every one of these screens that I'm encountering is an activity, so. Now my password manager is set up. I've done the registration, I've entered a password, and a PIN, for anyone to access. Now anyone who happens to have my phone and starts the Sieve password manager, needs to enter either the PIN or the password to gain access to my…
