From the course: Android App Security: A Structured Approach to Pen Testing

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Lab setup

Lab setup

- Before we start testing Android applications, let us talk about the lab setup. On the hardware front, you will need a workstation with at least 8 gigabytes of RAM and a processor with at least 2 gigahertz of processing speed. You'll be needing a physical Android device having Android version 6 or lower. In case you have a rooted Android device that'll be great. In case you wish to use an emulator, you may use Genymotion, MEmu, or Android Virtual Device. It's really your choice. Lastly, you'll be needing some USB cables to connect your device to your workstation. In case you are using an emulator, this won't be necessary. On the platform requirement front, all my tests will be conducted on a Windows 10 machine. However, you can use Linux or MacBooks just as easily. You'll need Java JDK version 1.8 or above. That includes the installation and setting environment variables. You'll also need Python version 2.7 or above…
