From the course: Android App Security: A Structured Approach to Pen Testing

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Introduction to drozer

Introduction to drozer

- [Instructor] In this section, we will cover some additional techniques corresponding to dynamic application testing. For that, we will be using Drozer. Drozer is an open source tool by NWR Labs. Although Drozer can be used for multiple activities including defensive as well as offensive. We shall be primarily using it for testing how the target application interacts with other applications on the same device. Drozer uses client-server model in terms of its architecture. It exploits the interprocess communication of the Android OS to exploit the target application. Drozer has two components, the Drozer Console that runs on the work station and the Drozer Agent, which is an apk file that interacts with the target application and is installed on the same device as out target application. As you might have already guessed this is an example of, Interactive Application Security testing or IAST. Using Drozer, we can test…
