From the course: Android App Security: A Structured Approach to Pen Testing

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Content provider testing: SQL injection

Content provider testing: SQL injection

- [Instructor] Another common test for Android applications is local SQL injection. As you know, that in case of web applications, you'll find SQL injection is a server-side vulnerability, but, in case of Android applications, depending on the application functionality, you can also have a local database, which is the SQLite database. This database typically sits on your Android device. Now, if your application is complex enough, you can have two database instances. One, the SQLite database, which sits on your device, another could be any other version of SQL, or no-SQL database, which sits at the server end. Here, we are going to talk about the local SQL injection, which happens on the SQLite database. To test for SQL injections in the content provider, Drozer has a module, which is scanner.provider.injection. Let's just go ahead and run that. Run scanner.provider.injection followed by the package name, which is…
