From the course: Android App Security: A Structured Approach to Pen Testing

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Content provider testing

Content provider testing

- [Instructor] Now that we have covered activities, let's test the content providers of this application. To get the basic information of content providers, we will use For getting the basic information about the content providers, the Drozer module that we will be using is The command would be, hyphen a followed by the package name, that is com.mwr .example.sieve. Let me just go ahead and copy this because again we'll be using it again and again. Some oversight, wonderful. So this tells me that we have two content providers here. First is the DBContentProvider, and the second is FileBackupProvider. For the DBContentProvider there are no read or write permissions needed. In addition to that there are no permissions to access the URI. URIs are basically the links or the resources indicators to specific information within the content providers within the database. As it so…
