From the course: Android App Security: A Structured Approach to Pen Testing

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Burp Suite setup on workstation

Burp Suite setup on workstation

- [Instructor] Before we start the testing, let us understand how our lab setup will work. First, let us go over the changes that we need to do on our work station. We need to download and install Burp Suite and set up the proxy listener. Then, we are going to download an intentionally vulnerable target application and start the application server for that application. So let's start the download and install of Burp Suite. For that, you can go to your browser and search for Burp Suite on Google. You'll end up on this page. I'll be going ahead with the Community Edition, but you are free to choose the Professional or Enterprise Editions of the same tool. The primary requirement for Burp Suite, in terms of platform, is Java version 1.8. Since we already have that, you can go ahead and download the JAR file or the Windows exe. Once you have downloaded it, all you need you do is start. Go ahead with the temporary…
