From the course: Android App Security: A Structured Approach to Pen Testing

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Burp Suite setup on test device

Burp Suite setup on test device

- [Narrator] Now let us set up our test device which is our emulator to work in synchronization with the Burp suit proxy listener. For that, the first step that we'll do is configure the device proxy. There are multiple ways of configuring the device proxy First and the easiest one is to set up the device proxy over wifi itself. For this you need to ensure that your mobile device and your workstation are on the same network. The second option is to buy third party or VPN applications and direct them to transfer all the traffic to the Burp suit proxy listener. The next step that we can do is to root our device and install a device level proxy. In terms of set up the next thing that we need to do is install the certificates on the device so that we are able to intercept SSL encrypted traffic. So let us start with the first step. We go to our device We go to Settings, go over to the wifi settings. A long press over wifi…
