From the course: Android App Security: A Structured Approach to Pen Testing

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Application testing: Brute force

Application testing: Brute force

- [Instructor] Now that we have started our Android labs server, setup our device and our workstation to work in synchronization with each other, let's start with bank testing. The first thing that we will do is open the command prompt here and push the APK file onto the emulator. The command is adb install; just type the first few words of the application, press the tab, and press enter. Installation successful. Now we can go ahead and close this. Now all you need to do is open your emulator and the Burp Suite interface. Just turn the intercept on and open your application. Now the first time you open your application, you need to set the server credentials, which happens to be the IP address of your host device., and save. Now the first and the most common vulnerability that we find a web application or in a mobile application is brute forcing of the login form. Let us try and attempt a brute force of…
