From the course: Android App Development: Enterprise Integration

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Work profile (BYOD)

Work profile (BYOD)

- [Narrator] A rather popular acronym in technology these days is BYOD, or bring your own device. This is a common term used when describing a use case where an individual brings their personal Android device to work, and uses it for work-related activities or handles company data with it. Google defines this use case as the work profile solution set. Here, we see your personal device with your profile, apps, and data. With this solution set, the enterprise restricts its applications and data to a self-contained work profile on your device. This profile is allocated by the device policy controller when the device is registered with the mobile device management system. In this use case, even though the employee retains control over the device, the enterprise may desire to adjust the configurations of the applications installed in its profile. You can provide this kind of integration by including managed application configuration support in your apps. For a mobile device management…
