From the course: Android App Development: Enterprise Integration

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Work-managed device

Work-managed device

- [Instructor] In the instance that an Android device at work in the property of the enterprise, there are a couple of different solution sets that can be used. The first of these being the work-managed device solution set. This is a use case where a device is owned by a business and used by an employee for work-related purposes. You will typically find that these devices are used in the same fashion as personal smartphones. A work-managed device represents a use case very similar to the work profile solution set with the exception being that the device policy controller is in device owner mode and has control over the whole device. This solution set is used by enterprises when they require tighter control on access to company data and permitted applications. It is best to provide enterprise integration for this use case by including managed application configuration support in your application. To be approved by Google with a solution set, a mobile device management system has to…
