From the course: Android App Development: Enterprise Integration

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Test managed application configurations

Test managed application configurations - Android Tutorial

From the course: Android App Development: Enterprise Integration

Test managed application configurations

- [Narrator] Now that our test device policy controller is installed and our device is provisioned. We can test our application's managed configurations. First, we need to install our app. Again, I've included the APK in the exercise files for easy use. We should use this method of delivery over deployment directly from Android Studio because, there are known issues between work profiles and, the instant run feature in Android Studio. You can drag and drop the APK to install it, or you can use ADB like we did in the last video. We're going to use this method, again. Open up Android Studio, and go to the terminal and let's run ADB install, again, copy our exercise file path and paste. And point to My Enterprise Application, back to the device. Now you can see that our application has been installed and two versions of the application exist, one for personal and one for work. Before we change any managed configurations, though, let's open up our app to see how it behaves without…
