From the course: Android App Development: Enterprise Integration

Enterprise mobility management (EMM)

- [Instructor] Android has managed to creep into almost every corner of our lives, from home to leisure and even to our workplace. This has become increasingly true as enterprises have moved away from Windows CE or mobile and opted for Android. This enterprise world, as we call it, is arguably a new playing field for a good majority of the development community. An average consumer may not have a couple hundred devices to manage, but an enterprise will. To address this and other challenges faced by enterprises, we have the topic of enterprise mobility management. This is the collection of technologies and practices used in the administration of mobile computers within a business environment. For the purpose of this course, however, we can reduce these environments in scope to be made up of a mobile device management system, or an enterprise mobility manager, as Google calls it, and registered Android devices through the device policy controllers installed onto them. These mobile device management systems are application platforms designed to aid businesses in the process of monitoring and controlling mobile devices. They do this through the device policy controller, which is an application that acts as a bridge between these device managing systems and the device by doing things like acting on commands sent to it and communicating information back about the device.
