From the course: Android App Development: Enterprise Integration

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Corporate-owned single use (COSU)

Corporate-owned single use (COSU)

- [Narrator] One of the most unique solution sets defined by Google is the Corporate-Owned, Single-Use Solution Set. This is a use case where an enterprise-owned device is configured to restrict user access to a very limited number of applications. If this seems new to you, that is to be expected. This use case is something only those with experience developing applications for the enterprise will be familiar with. An enterprise will use this solution set if they need a device locked into a single experience, for example, a point-of-sale terminal, a self-serve kiosk for placing custom orders or obtaining a ticket number, or digital signage, interactive or not. The possibilities here can get rather diverse. To implement support for this use case in your applications, you will need to enable Lock Task Mode. It is also never a bad idea to include support for Managed Application Configurations, so an enterprise can customize this experience from their management console. Just like the…
